Banco Mundial2024-10-112024-10-112023, already among the poorest countries in the Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) region, experienced weak poverty reduction in 2014–19 compared to other countries in the region. International and official poverty estimates suggest that poverty reduction was stagnant in 2014–19 and not commensurate with the consistently higher economic growth rates relative to the rest of the region. Nearly half of the Honduran population (49.5 percent) was living with less than US$6.85 per day (2017 PPP) in 2019. This proportion was higher than the LAC and Central American average in 2019 (figure ES1). New official poverty estimates1 based on a revised methodology still show that 48 percent of Hondurans were considered moderate poor in 2019, and over a quarter (25.2 percent) lived in extreme povertyenHONDURAS POVERTY ASSESSMENTToward a Path of Poverty Reduction and Inclusive GrowthArticle